Monday, July 14, 2014

4 (four) Type in the face of pressure Human ( stress)

4 (four) Type in the face of pressure Human Life "All the real difficulty is an opportunity for us to grow a soul" (JohnGray)

Readers, life is not free from the pressures. More-over, living in the modern nature that presents a variety of risks. Until a sociologist
Ulrich Beck was named the contemporary era with community risk (risk society). Modern Nature presents a rapid change and often surprising.

Well, the pressure was actually formed character, characters, and also to determine how people react in the future.

Readers, on this occasion, I will present four (4) types of people in the face of such pressure. Let us discuss one by one
type of human being in the face of life's pressures.

1. Brittle Wood Type
Just a little pressure to make this man broke. These people look good everyday. But, once inside the fragile
his heart. This guy is so easy to complain when trouble occurs. Little difficulty to meet him, this person immediately complained, felt helpless, crying, asking for pity or help. These people need to practice positive thinking and the courage to face the realities of life. Time magazine has presented topics cocoon generation (cacoon generation). Time to take the example in Japan, where many
people become very soft because not used to facing adversity.

Faced with this kind of person, sometimes we have to be courageous heart. Every now and then they need to be trained to learn the face of adversity.
Position us as their companion.

2. Iron Plate Type
This type of person is usually able to withstand the pressure at first. However, like iron, when the situation was getting bigger and pressing complex, he began to bend and unstable. Likewise, people of this type. They are able to deal with stress, but not under conditions of protracted. Just a little extra pressure, making them give up and despair. Fortunately, these types of people are still trying to survive before finally gave up. Type of steel plate is still not trained. But, if you try really, this person will be able to build on the success in his life.

  3. Type Cotton
This type is quite flexible in the face of pressure. When the pressure comes, people are able to be flexible. You try to press a lump of cotton.He will follow the pressure. He was able to adjust when there is pressure. But, once passed, he could quickly return to its original state. He can soon forget
past and started back to the starting point to begin again.

4. Pingpong Ball Type
This is the ideal type and greatest. Never presenting pressure on these people because the pressure will only make they work harder, more motivated, and more creative. Consider the ping-pong ball. When pressed, he memantuk it up with more awesome. I am reminded of the story of life motivator world Anthony Robbins in one of his biography. To motivate himself, he accidentally bought a luxury building, while money is not adequate. But, instead of financial pressures This makes him more creative and financially challenged to reach the level expected.

This never happens with a regional head of sales that performance is good. wake Network  However, this result makes his boss does not like. As a result, it deliberately superiors who do not like him move to the area  a more severe condition. But, instead of complaining like previous colleagues in the area. Instead, he tried to build netwok, change  ways of working, and clearing organizations. In his second year in the area, precisely where he made ​​it into the top three sales regions.

Another example is the novelist Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky world.

In the winter, she curled up in prison with angina whipping cold, the floor was full of dirt an inch thick, and hard labor each days. He looked like herring in a tin. However, the frozen Siberian not succeeded in silencing his creativity. From there she gave birth to a great written works, such as The Double and Notes of The Dead. He became the literary world.

It is also experienced by Ho Chi Minh.
Vietnamese man who was called Uncle Ho's had to double up in prison. However, the prison does not make him broke. he  struggled with the poems that he wrote. A Comrade Paper kondangnya Blanket into pieces of works.

Ah that's an example of events abroad. . . so maybe your question. A colleague who works in an automotive company  Indonesia's largest kecabang ostracized even dumped far away from the central office by the boss is a woman. However, with strong motivation  he successfully "pulled" back to headquarters and even on duty "clicking" your "Boss of the department for development with some of the material
their knowledge.

Now his colleagues has been topped instead with authority over the boss who isolate, although in the company  automotive competitors.

Well, readers, it's just a small example. The important thing now is you. When you encounter difficulties, such as whether you?

How did you react? Does not matter where you are at this time.

However, an important move on from a type of brittle wood type to the next. Until finally, wake you up to the level of mental
ping-pong ball.

At that moment, the difficulties and challenges are no longer a worry for you.

Is that as strong as your mental?

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